OOMD OceanObs’19 Conference Engagement

The Ocean Observing and Monitoring Division team will be attending the OceanObs'19 Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii during the week of September 16-20, 2019. OOMD Director, David Legler is an invited panelist for two sessions: “A sustainable fit-for-purpose ocean observing system” and “Climate Variability and Change” and he will be part of the concluding OceanObs'19 Plenary “Sponsors” Panel, representing US federal interests. The OOMD team has been working with IOOS (NOS) to plan NOAA’s Special Session, An Ocean of Data: NOAA’s Role in Marine Extreme Events and Hazards which will include a panel with leadership from OAR, NOS, NESDIS, NMFS, and NWS, including AA McLean. Dr. Neil Jacobs will deliver opening remarks. OOMD and IOOS will be managing the NOAA Booth in the Exhibition Hall, which will feature Lightning Talks and a special event to celebrate 10 years of ocean exploring on the Okeanos Ship (AA McLean will deliver remarks). The OOMD team is organizing and sponsoring a number of additional events during the conference. OOMD is also well represented in the upcoming special issue of Frontiers in Marine Science titled, OceanObs19: An Ocean of Opportunity; 63 of the 140 papers currently published or under review include contributions from OOMD team members or affiliated PI authors, with 16 of them being lead authors.

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