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Observations of near-surface vertical wind profiles and vertical momentum fluxes from VORTEX-SE 2017: Comparisons to Monin–Obukhov similarity theory

Observations of near-surface vertical wind profiles and vertical momentum fluxes obtained from a Doppler lidar and instrumented towers deployed during VORTEX-SE in the spring of 2017 are analyzed. In particular, departures from the predictions of Monin–Obukhov similarity theory (MOST) are documented on thunderstorm days, both in the warm air masses ahead of storms and within the cool outflow of storms, where MOST assumptions (e.g., horizontal homogeneity and a steady state) are least credible. In these regions, it is found that the non-dimensional vertical wind shear near the surface commonly exceeds predictions by MOST. The departures from MOST have implications for the specification of the lower boundary condition in numerical simulations of convective storms. Documenting departures from MOST is a necessary first-step toward improving the lower boundary condition and parameterization of near-surface turbulence (“wall models”) in storm simulations.

Observations of near-surface vertical wind profiles and vertical momentum fluxes from VORTEX-SE 2017: Comparisons to Monin–Obukhov similarity theory Read More >

OWAQ submits Radar Follow on Report

OWAQ in collaboration with NSSL and the NWS Office of Observations has submitted for clearance the  Report to Congress titled ” WEATHER RADAR FOLLOW-ON PLAN: 

Research and Risk Reduction to Inform Acquisition Decisions”.

The report articulates NOAA's strategy for recapitalizing the NEXRAD system in the 2030-2040 time frame with an estimated cost of $6 billion. Scenarios covered include: 1) a second Service Life Extension Program; 2) acquisition of a center-fed parabolic antenna system (similar to NEXRAD technology; and 3) Phased Array Radar (PAR).

OWAQ submits Radar Follow on Report Read More >

GSD and CIRES researchers will attend and present at the Developmental Testbed Center Science Advisory Board Meeting

September 19-20
GSD and CIRES scientists will present Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) activities for the annual DTC Science Advisory Board SAB Meeting. The DTC is a distributed NOAA/NCAR facility where the numerical weather prediction community can test and evaluate new models and techniques for use in research and development. The board is made up of numerical weather prediction experts from the U.S. and guides the future path of DTC activities. GSD's Curtis Alexander is a member of the SAB.

GSD and CIRES researchers will attend and present at the Developmental Testbed Center Science Advisory Board Meeting Read More >

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