For the first time, the Oregon Coastal and Ocean Information Network (OCOIN), supported by the CPO Pacific Northwest (CIRC) RISA team, held their annual meeting as a webinar to encourage participation.
Marine managers and decision-makers struggle to keep current with ongoing regional research and access it when needed. Addressing this need, OCOIN was created in 2016 through a CIRC-RISA grant to develop a web resource and an organizational network for Oregon marine practitioners (managers and scientists) to share data and provide networking opportunities.
The Network held its first two annual meetings, in 2017 and 2018, respectively, in person. In order to address decreased attendance at the 2018 annual meeting, OCOIN held it's 3rd annual meeting as a Webinar. Over 46 OCOIN members attended — an increase from 2018. The webinar highlighted a new partnership with Oregon Sea Grant as well as research presentations from 3 marine practitioners in the state.
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Home » CPO-funded Oregon’s Coastal and Ocean Information Network holds 3rd annual meeting as Webinar, improves attendance