El Niño and La Niña affect spring tornadoes and hailstorms
Scienitsts find connection between El Niño and fewer spring tornadoes in the south-central United States.
El Niño and La Niña affect spring tornadoes and hailstorms Read More >
Scienitsts find connection between El Niño and fewer spring tornadoes in the south-central United States.
El Niño and La Niña affect spring tornadoes and hailstorms Read More >
Everyone's asking if the arrival of El Niño guarantees that 2015 will set a new record for warmest global temperature. In his latest blog, Deke Arndt explains why it's possible–maybe even likely–but not guaranteed.
How will El Niño affect 2015’s placement among the warmest years on record? Read More >
A new study published online today in the journal Science finds that the rate of global warming during the last 15 years has been as fast as or faster than that seen during the latter half of the 2